Sunday, May 24, 2009

RSS feeds are coming my way

This was an interesting exercise and I have a variety of feeds already. I even subscribed to find out my weekly horoscope for the week - but unfortunately whoever started that one gave up in 2008! A bit of past history if only I could remember if it was accurate! I managed to get the OPAL training blog in there too so I am feeling rather proud of myself. Learning heaps - hope everyone is enjoying the tasks.

New photos of libraries on Flikr

I have added some photos of the State Library of Victoria to my Flikr page. I am going with the library theme so you won't find anything personal. There are some terrific things in that library in the way of manuscripts, artwork and of course - Ned Kelly's armour. If you ever are in Melbourne you must have a look. I also love the ceiling and the view looking down to the reading room. Just fantastic.

I'm on Facebook - believe it, or not

Well I have a facebook page which seems a little over the top for me. I actually like talking with people face-to-face rather than online but there you go. I have asked both my daughters to be my "friends" - that should be fun as I am sure every young woman wants her Mum to read what she is up to! I wonder if they will accept? I guess I will know soon - I will let you know how I go :-)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Omar has a wiki

Hi everyone - come and visit my wiki at If you visit you can read one of Omar's best - especially if you like analogies for life! I am trying to type with one finger while my granddaughter is sitting on my lap and I can tell you it is not the easiset of things to do. I am going to have to close for now as we are going to read a story in preparation for Wednesday's Simultaneous storytelling - bring it on "Pete the sheep"