Monday, August 10, 2009


Hi all,
It seems awhile since I have added anything but would just like to say that I hope the new SLQ tasks in August mean I can delete my Facebook account - really am not a fan!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Delicious for sure

I now have delicious bookmarks and tags. I have always loved the work of Evan Hunter so in searching for favourite authors I was dismayed to find out that he died in 2005. He is the only author I was ever inspired to write to in order to show my appreciation of his novels. In response I received a personal reply from him which I will treasure. Happy social bookmarking all!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

RSS feeds are coming my way

This was an interesting exercise and I have a variety of feeds already. I even subscribed to find out my weekly horoscope for the week - but unfortunately whoever started that one gave up in 2008! A bit of past history if only I could remember if it was accurate! I managed to get the OPAL training blog in there too so I am feeling rather proud of myself. Learning heaps - hope everyone is enjoying the tasks.

New photos of libraries on Flikr

I have added some photos of the State Library of Victoria to my Flikr page. I am going with the library theme so you won't find anything personal. There are some terrific things in that library in the way of manuscripts, artwork and of course - Ned Kelly's armour. If you ever are in Melbourne you must have a look. I also love the ceiling and the view looking down to the reading room. Just fantastic.

I'm on Facebook - believe it, or not

Well I have a facebook page which seems a little over the top for me. I actually like talking with people face-to-face rather than online but there you go. I have asked both my daughters to be my "friends" - that should be fun as I am sure every young woman wants her Mum to read what she is up to! I wonder if they will accept? I guess I will know soon - I will let you know how I go :-)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Omar has a wiki

Hi everyone - come and visit my wiki at If you visit you can read one of Omar's best - especially if you like analogies for life! I am trying to type with one finger while my granddaughter is sitting on my lap and I can tell you it is not the easiset of things to do. I am going to have to close for now as we are going to read a story in preparation for Wednesday's Simultaneous storytelling - bring it on "Pete the sheep"

Monday, April 20, 2009

Photo attempt number 4

Trying another method of uploading a photo from flickr - let's see how we go. No - I broke it! Now the picture icon to upload won't even open.

Uploading from Flickr- not yet

Trying to add some photos to this blog that I have uploaded to Flickr is becoming tiresome - I shall try again later, but wait, I might just get there tonight. I have uploaded but don't see the photos! Alas my friends, Omar is retiring for the eve.

On second thought - I think I've got it (maybe)

Or at the moment, maybe not - here is the link - will try again another day.

Where are you?

It seems easy to create a blog - but is anyone actually reading them? A question to ponder.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Blog effort #1

Greetings all!
They say the hardest thing to do in any task is to begin - so here we go. I wouldn't say that poetry is my greatest love, but I have always been a big fan of Omar Khayyam, and to that end I have slightly plagiarised one of my favourite poems of his. I used this example because I really like "The moving finger writes..." (you can find works of his in any good library - have a read, they're terrific) because it lent itself to the world of the Internet in a funny sort of way.
The moving finger clicks, and having clicked,
page loads: nor all thy passwords incorrect or page not found
Shall stop searches being flicked,
Across the net where users are unbound.
(Apologies Omar :-{ )
While the options on how to have your work published have changed from the eleventh century, the Internet with all its opportunities has allowed anyone to publish and the ability to find information on almost any topic from anywhere in the world is now a reality. From those first cautious clicks on your mouse, the world opens up before your eyes and a serendipitous ride can follow on. Who knows where you can end up and what you may find along the way.